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Delaware Governor: Jack Markell

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  Archived Posts From: 2010


Alan Levin: Manufacturing Week

Written on: March 25th, 2010 in Guest Posts

Levin_Alan_2x2_72dpiIt’s an honor to be invited to guest post on Governor Markell’s blog. Yesterday, as the Governor spoke at the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Brunch and Manufacturing Conference, he proclaimed this week Manufacturing Week in Delaware.

The manufacturing industry is key to Delaware’s economic recovery. Manufacturing makes up a significant portion of Delaware’s workforce, employing approximately 27,000 Delawareans.

At the Delaware Economic Development Office, we realize that we need to do everything we can to ensure the success of our businesses. We continue to work hard every day to make Delaware more attractive to businesses and more conducive to job creation.

Advanced Aerosol CEO RJ Valentine chose to invest here rather than his home state "Delaware gets it."

As DEDO meets with businesses across the state, we recognize that the future of manufacturing in Delaware looks bright. We understand the importance of assisting the industry in order to strengthen our economy. As a result the state continues to assist businesses like Advanced Aerosol, Baltimore Aircoil, PTM Manufacturing and many others expand.

Advanced Aerosol resumed operations at its plant in Seaford. They will create 53 full-time jobs, providing an estimated economic impact of $21.3 million to the state of Delaware.  At the event, CEO RJ Valentine said he chose to invest here, rather than his home state of Massachusetts because when it comes to business, “Delaware gets it.”

Baltimore Aircoil Company, a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of heat transfer and ice thermal storage products, is expanding its manufacturing operations in Milford. The company was awarded a performance-based grant which will create 83 new manufacturing jobs in Delaware over two years. 

Baltimore Aircoil is expanding its facility, creating 83 new jobs

PTM  Manufacturing was awarded a Delaware Strategic Fund loan enabling it to expand its line of cost-effective green energy ducting and insulation system products nationwide.  The state’s investment is expected to help PTM create 23 new jobs in its first year and up to a total of 67 jobs within three years.

In addition, as the door closed on GM’s Boxwood plant last June, another door opened. Fisker Automotive’s plans to build their plug-in hybrid sedan at the plant will create 2,500 direct and indirect jobs. Bernard Koehler confirmed Fisker’s commitment to working with local suppliers in his keynote address at Wednesday’s Legislative Brunch.

We have worked hard to not only assist Delaware’s manufacturing industry, but all businesses in Delaware and DEDO will continue to do so. It is our goal to make Delaware the State of Business today.

If you have any questions regarding how DEDO can help your businesses, please contact us at 302-739-4271.

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