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Jack Markell's Blog

Delaware Governor: Jack Markell

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  Archived Posts From: 2010


Social Media: Growing our Economy through a Stronger Community

Written on: March 24th, 2010 in Job Creation

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with a few social media thought leaders, including Chris Brogan.  Chris graciously spent time meeting with many of our online innovators to discuss how we can make Delaware the “First State of Social Media.”  The feedback I’ve heard so far—and read through Twitter—has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

People have asked me: “Why do you have a Facebook page?” and “Why are you on Twitter?”

Here are three reasons why I am exploring and engaging through social media:

  1. Delaware is the State of Neighbors, and social media is another channel through which we can strengthen our community. Our people—whether they’re from business, nonprofits, government, academic institutions or other groups—know how to work together.  We get the right people in the room, and we move fast. Companies like Fisker have told me that this is one of the reasons they chose to grow their business in Delaware.
  2. Delawareans are helping each other promote our small businesses and nonprofits through social media within our state and beyond. When people find a great service, activity or product, they spread the word to help our businesses thrive and create jobs.  Social media knows few boundaries, and we need to make sure that people know what’s so special about our state.
  3. We need your creative ideas to ensure that Delaware is the best place to start and grow a business. Your dialogue can lead to innovation and economic development.  Your suggestions will make government more efficient, effective, and responsive.   

There are so many amazing things happening in our state, and we need to get the word out. Join the grassroots discussion through Twitter, using #NetDE, or at this Facebook page.

I hope you enjoy the video below – courtesy of The Delaware Film Company – showing part of my conversation with Chris Brogan.


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