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Written on: March 17th, 2010 in Education
Delaware’s team finished our presentation to the panel of national experts reviewing our Race to the Top application today. I was honored to lead our delegation, and grateful for the opportunity to work closely with such outstanding professionals.
Thank you to all of those who were engaged in this process, including the team members with me today:
Our team was diverse, representing tremendous and high-level cooperation around a bold plan for change. Whether or not we are one of the few states to win funding, the real victory here is evident in the team we have mobilized. We believe in our plan and have already taken steps to make it happen. We have made real changes together – teachers, administrators, the business community and state government.
I also appreciate the efforts of President Obama, Secretary Duncan and others at the Department of Education to create a program and an atmosphere that incentivizes states to strive. As the Chair of the Democratic Governor’s Association and the chair of the National Governor’s Association’s Common Core Standards Initiative, I have seen the positive impact this process has had across the country.
Our nation’s governors know that getting people back to work and improving our schools are among the most immediate issues we’re facing – and stronger schools are fundamental to our long-term economic success.
We are proud to participate in a process that encourages states to make clear their goals for student achievement and lay out in great detail how they plan to achieve them. Reform does not spring from bold pronouncements alone. Change requires teamwork, cooperation and a sense of shared vision. I think what’s unique about Delaware is how much we have taken that to heart.