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Written on: October 8th, 2012 in Effective & Efficient Government
Strengthening our schools, creating more jobs and governing responsibly are our key areas of focus. Making Our Schools Safer If our kids are going to learn to the best of their abilities, they need, first and foremost to be safe. That’s why I recently signed into law the Omnibus School Safety Act, which will lead […]
Written on: August 31st, 2012 in Effective & Efficient Government
Labor Day weekend is upon us – the unofficial end to summer. This is a great time to look forward and I’m excited by some great opportunities for Delaware. Here are just a few. Preparing students for global economy This school year, Delaware’s first group of young students will begin learning in Spanish and in […]
Written on: August 3rd, 2012 in Effective & Efficient Government
I am now serving as chair of the National Governors Association having been named by my colleagues at our summer meeting in July. Since getting Delawareans back to work has been job number one, it should come as no surprise that employment is at the heart of my initiative. A Better Bottom Line: Employing People […]
Written on: July 6th, 2012 in Effective & Efficient Government
This past Saturday, June 30, marked the end of the 2012 legislative session. It also marked the end of an era for many in Dover, including House Speaker Robert Gilligan. A giant, not just in stature, but legacy, Speaker Gilligan announced his retirement after 40 years of service to the State. While the exits of […]
Written on: June 26th, 2012 in Effective & Efficient Government
When I visit local businesses – which I do all the time – I ask one question: How can we facilitate growth and success for their company? Their answer is often the same: businesses want a talented workforce as well as strong schools and thriving communities in which their employees and their families can live, […]